WordPress News

The latest news on WordPress.com and the WordPress community.
WordPress.com News
  1. Whether you're a design pro or a total newbie, you'll find a great tool in this list that will take your website skills to the next level.
  2. Try it out: WordPress' new Interactivity API provides a standardized way for developers to build interactive, dynamic elements within their websites.
  3. What's harder: winning the Masters Tournament or re-creating its website in under 30 minutes? Watch the video and find out.
  4. Let's discuss: What if you could register custom post types and custom fields directly in the WordPress admin?
  5. When it comes to website-building, WordPress themes set your site up for success by providing stylish, preselected options for fonts, colors, and layouts. Even though themes provide the overall aesthetic, you still need to build out the posts, pages, and templates on your site. That’s where block patterns come in! …